When I get back home I just have to switch on my PS3 and play it.
Now that I started this Blog, I have lots and lots to talk about. So I'm not sure which I should start with, So I will just put what i have on the table post after post.
I figured I will start with what i think is an "Improvement".
I've been practicing a lot. Learning lots of new tactics. Watching Pros playing. And playing against Lots of awesome guys.
To state out. I've started this game last March. So, it is almost a year since I started playing it. Though I did have a background in Fighting games such as KOF (King Of Fighters).
Lately I've noticed a great improvement in my game play. I used to have fairly equal matches with the following people. but lately according to the screen shots I will show you now. You can see what I meant by an improvement.

In the Last shot, The guy had a connection lose but you can see in top right I had 11 wins in a row.
I think my gameplay has greatly improved as you can see I've had flawless victories over all of these players. And they all are good players btw.
I had their names scratched just for the sensitivity. They're good players, I don't want people to dis them.
Al though there is a particular guy that I have lots of problems playing against. He's in an absolute another level. I might talk about him in a later post.
Playing everyday and spending hours in the training room is NOT enough. If you want to really get good you need to do lots of study!, Yes, Study for a video game! how awesome is that?
Currently I have a winning rate of 70%, one sad factor is the lag factor. No matter how good you are you do have an equal chance to lose as your opponent, though you have a greater chance of losing if you're playing a scruby player because they will mash everything and with the lag it will hit you!!
Hopefully I will get my winning rate up with time. So, a final word. Do lots of studies, study certain match-ups, read your character frame data. Check some videos of great players on youtube and learn from them. Try to learn new techniques. Improve your offense as well as your defense. I think the most important point is to play against a better player, you will learn a lot this way. Don't let losing get you down. Take is as a challenge to encourage yourself to become better.
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