ok.. now that out of the way, I have not been able to write up here regarding new updates for SSFIV :(, but I managed to fight couple of minutes to write this post.
I got SSFIV finally only 1 minute after it reached the shop in AbuDhabi at around 8:30pm for around 190dh, not that bad really.
Went back home and tested it out. So far loving it. The online mode was even more fun, though there was some problems with people unable to join our rooms.
I've later tried the Trial mode and finally finished them all around 2 days ago and I'll mention some of the stuff about trial that are worth mentioning.

I'll be discussing them in order.
Ryu: Lv.24, 3 links and strick timing, took me a while
Ken: Much easier than SF4, nothing was too hard.
Chun-Li: nothing too anoying
E.Honda: There was 1 annoying one but I cant recall which one.
Blanka: was actually easy!, 15 minutes maximum
Zangief: The last level with the 4 links was stupid.
Guile: Nothing to mention
Dhalsim: Had some tricky trials, but nothing too hard
Balrog: OMG, Trial 22, spent over an hour, the rest are easy.
Vega: had 1 stupid link trial, more of luck really for that one.
Sagat: nothing too hard
M.Bison: nothing too hard
C. Viper: almost the same as SF4, nothing too hard for a viper player
Rufus: couple of stupid link combos, but rest are easy
El Fuerte: Trial 23 BLOWS, took me a little over 30 minutes
Abel: nothing too hard.
Seth: Quite easy
Akuma: nothing too hard
Gouken: nothing to mention
Cammy: nothing to mention
Fei Long: Lv.19 took me about 10 minutes, annoying. rest are not hard
Sakura: long combos but not hard to link really.
Rose: nothing too hard, nice combos with her ultra 2
Gen: lv.24 was much easier than SF4 Hard trial 5, but still took me around ~15 min because of his "Aweeewa"
Dan: lv.23 or 24 took some time due to stupid timing for the air ex-senpu kyaku.
T.Hawk: Probably the easiest.
Dee Jay: nothing to mention
Guy: nothing to mention
Cody: nothing to mention
Ibuki: Lv.24 took me some time, but because its almost as viper's SJC to ultra, I didnt struggle much, probable around 20 minutes to get used to the link.
Makoto: Lv.24 had a new idea, loved it, took me some time.
Dudley: nothing too hard
Adon: Annoying.. (As a character, lol), nothing too hard
Hakan: Lv.19 was tricky, but figured it out, nothing else was too hard
Juri: Loved the Lv.24 idea, sweat combo ideas. nothing too hard
I've been loving Makoto lately and practicing her, hopefully I'll be able to play online once i finish my stupid projects. Till next post' ;)
congrats man, it will take me around a year to finish all of that, maybe with some help as well lol
ReplyDeleteI only finished Fuerte so far, 23 was so annoying I did it by miracle in previous sf4 and had to use another miracle to do it again lol
I am stuck with Makoto 23 and 24, mostly trying to nail 23 first since 24 seems real hard. I am also interested in Makoto for my secondary character but she is so hard to use! I might learn a few things from you hopefully. My focus will be to learn the new matchups with Fuerte first, and then try to get a secondary between Makoto, Guy, and maybe Dhalsim. Cody is very annoying to fight against, but I started to understand him a bit better.
And congrats on the project as well! though I am sure completing the trials is more important looool Will you completely stop using Viper or is she still your main?
It's not in my interests to do all trials.. but great job :D. I finished about 10 or so by now, but the thing is, many chars I left them at like the 24th one (Like Abel, Ryu, Ken and more). I CAN do them if I keep trying, but then I'm not always in the mood to do trials.. so only when I'm feeling like it I would try again :P