Monday, August 16, 2010

YouTube Videos!

Hello Followers!!
long time no see~
nothing new, same old stupid drama, some old hate mail. lol..
not worth mentioning.

I finally got a good HD recorder from a friend!
the HD-PVR, really really good. but saves to stupid formats that I can't work with unless i convert again -_-.

Anyways, I've uploaded a number of my SSFIV matches into my youtube channel and here is the link:

SedoSan youtube Channel

I wanted to upload a lot more, but dealing with 200MB+ files and a very bad connection (20 minutes disconnection rate).. it was kinda hard.

once I get a more stabilized connection I will upload a bunch more.
Some might think I only upload matches that I win in. First of all I upload matches where I think I performed good at. Because no one wants to look at a boring match where nothing interesting is happening. Even if I win but it was not interesting I do not upload. Secondly. I win most of the time, so it is hard to find interesting matches that I lost at, in a matter of fact, I have couple of matches that I lost in, and I wanted to upload them, but the other guy, who is my friend, does not want his videos to be online. So I did not post them yet, once I get an editing program I will take off the opponent names and I will upload more vids!

I hope you would enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Cool man, been away from the scene for a while myself but hopefully I'll make a comeback at some point, but its nice to see you still owning :D

    I completely agree on your point of uploading interesting matches, that actually helps you improve. For example, I have a rule to never upload any match that I do a random ultra in, regardless if I win or lose, because its stupid and I dont want to waste viewers time to watch that crap. There is a very close match that I won against an Abel once, and I would love to put it since I felt good about my win, but because I made one random ultra at one round I never put it on youtube. If I do something smart, even if I lose, then I feel better about uploading the match. That helps me remain focused on playing a good game online, so I improve as a result :)

    I haven't played any matches since my last upload, hopefully once I get some nice ones online I'll upload them. Maybe after Ramadan.
