Hello followers!
Been sometime since I wrote something interesting. Between my study and my dentist appointments, there is rarely enough time to spend blogging :(
On my way to the dentist today I took a cab since my car was not available. Relatively cool drive. I've reached my destination but the problem was that the driver did not have a change. So he tells me its on the house. Well it is practically his fault for not having change. But I felt sorry for him. I really did not want to leave without paying him. But there was no other way. So I just walked away.
Guys, if you see a cab plate AD3335 please give him 5 dirhams extra. He deserves it. Of course you are not obligated but it would be nice. Maybe remind him of me. It will bring him joy. Well, time for some SSFIV :p.
Peace out.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Disturbed people, further talk
You guys probably have got bored now from all my posts about weird, trolls and strange people online. Well, as I have chosen to ignore these type of gamers. Some of them still amaze me with their behavior.
uaesuperman. a friend of a friend of mine. I found him online and engage in a battle with him. I won him six to nothing. I leave because I had some business in real life to do. He sends me a message of lots of hatred. I chose not to reply. The next day he sends a message of apology and I accept. Some other day later, I enter a room with multiple people. uaesuperman is one of them. I get flawless 20ish wins and leave. He sends me a message saying "F#%@, you never lose? get a life" or something like that. I chose to ignore. Finally yesterday I find him in a room and we played against each other. He picks viper and so did I. He won the first round with a lucky Ultra. The second round it gets really laggy and I got kicked from the PS network. He sends a message saying "????", by this time I really got bothered with people sending such messages. Don't you realize by now if the game starts lagging a lot then the participant left it means that he got disconnected? Anyways I try to rush signing in again to rejoin the room to show that it was not intentional. So after a couple of matches my turn finally came and I played against this guy again. This time I pick Balrog against his new viper. I totally annihilated him the first round. the second round as he was getting disparate he did an Ultra and he disconnected. I thought PSN has kicked me out as it said "Lost connection to playstation netowkr" message.
So anyways, I decide to just leave because it is too troublesome to keep getting disconnected. But guess what. This guy sends me a message saying "You piece of shit I was winning you with viper and you disconnected. And I did the same thing when you chose balrog, I disconnected so you wont take that win. I worked very hard with viper and I got all her challenges done". After this message I realize how narrow minded he was and what type of people he is. I replied something like this, first of all you saw all the lag in the second round prior to my D/C, I got kicked from PSN, I did not just disconnect. I do not run from my battles. And I would be more than happy to play Viper vs Viper again later. Then I talked about how he was wrong about thinking that he was winning. Viper vs Viper matches are way too random to decide which are the better one. One week of playing viper constantly does not mean that he will win with her. This is the main reason I picked balrog. I almost won both rounds perfect. Then I tell him that he has a very short temper and that he should not use that kind of words, specially to people older than him.
He replies with something like "It is not my problem that you got D/C, and I have short temper because I am from Baniyas."
Well, I don't know how its my problem that I got disconnected from PSN. And you can't use the excuse for short temper. Anyways I thought I could befriend him. But I was wrong. I added him to my block list. End of story.
Second guy is Mistgun1, I remember having a problem with this guy from SF4 and him deleting me for some reason I forgot. Anyways I finally find him again in SSF4 and join his room. He kicks me. I joined again to just get kicked again. So I made a new account with a different name and joined his game. He did not kick this time. I played with him and got a shattering win. Of course I recorded it. It felt good. LoL.
Hopefully I will write more useful posts next time. But this was just to take it out of my system.
uaesuperman. a friend of a friend of mine. I found him online and engage in a battle with him. I won him six to nothing. I leave because I had some business in real life to do. He sends me a message of lots of hatred. I chose not to reply. The next day he sends a message of apology and I accept. Some other day later, I enter a room with multiple people. uaesuperman is one of them. I get flawless 20ish wins and leave. He sends me a message saying "F#%@, you never lose? get a life" or something like that. I chose to ignore. Finally yesterday I find him in a room and we played against each other. He picks viper and so did I. He won the first round with a lucky Ultra. The second round it gets really laggy and I got kicked from the PS network. He sends a message saying "????", by this time I really got bothered with people sending such messages. Don't you realize by now if the game starts lagging a lot then the participant left it means that he got disconnected? Anyways I try to rush signing in again to rejoin the room to show that it was not intentional. So after a couple of matches my turn finally came and I played against this guy again. This time I pick Balrog against his new viper. I totally annihilated him the first round. the second round as he was getting disparate he did an Ultra and he disconnected. I thought PSN has kicked me out as it said "Lost connection to playstation netowkr" message.
So anyways, I decide to just leave because it is too troublesome to keep getting disconnected. But guess what. This guy sends me a message saying "You piece of shit I was winning you with viper and you disconnected. And I did the same thing when you chose balrog, I disconnected so you wont take that win. I worked very hard with viper and I got all her challenges done". After this message I realize how narrow minded he was and what type of people he is. I replied something like this, first of all you saw all the lag in the second round prior to my D/C, I got kicked from PSN, I did not just disconnect. I do not run from my battles. And I would be more than happy to play Viper vs Viper again later. Then I talked about how he was wrong about thinking that he was winning. Viper vs Viper matches are way too random to decide which are the better one. One week of playing viper constantly does not mean that he will win with her. This is the main reason I picked balrog. I almost won both rounds perfect. Then I tell him that he has a very short temper and that he should not use that kind of words, specially to people older than him.
He replies with something like "It is not my problem that you got D/C, and I have short temper because I am from Baniyas."
Well, I don't know how its my problem that I got disconnected from PSN. And you can't use the excuse for short temper. Anyways I thought I could befriend him. But I was wrong. I added him to my block list. End of story.
Second guy is Mistgun1, I remember having a problem with this guy from SF4 and him deleting me for some reason I forgot. Anyways I finally find him again in SSF4 and join his room. He kicks me. I joined again to just get kicked again. So I made a new account with a different name and joined his game. He did not kick this time. I played with him and got a shattering win. Of course I recorded it. It felt good. LoL.
Hopefully I will write more useful posts next time. But this was just to take it out of my system.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Serious training ahead.
Hello my beloved readers :P
anyways, lately, I discovered that I suck :P, well, compared to the real top tier players up there.
While my play style is unique and I have created lots of set ups for my game play. There is still one issue. Missing up inputs!
In the pro world, e.g. the Japanese league. Do you see anyone missing up his combo or whatever move their doing? In these high level games everyone is supposed to have mastered their inputs! You'd never see a Zangief jump with a punch coming out because he meant to do his grab but missed up. You'd never see a Ryu doing a SRK instead of an Ultra after a SRK FADC. Well, you might see, but I do not believe it would go above 5% error.
If you have your style and technique mastered. Imagine now added to that never missing a single combo? As I said above, in the pro league, everyone is expected to have mastered their inputs. The difference on who's gonna win is who knows the match up better. knowing the match up includes fast reaction to moves as well. Also some mix-ups and mind games. But if you know your match up, these two wont be as bothersome.
Now what have I done? I admit I dont spend enough time in training room. In real matches I keep missing some important combos and I eat ultras because of that. My accuracy is around 50% which is absolutely unacceptable. While it is true that my accuracy is around 50% I try to stick to easy combos and go for the mix-ups that viper has. But If I have like maybe even 80% accuracy on her more advanced moves I'd be even more annoying to play against :P.
I started working on my performance yesterday by first creating a table of tasks. These tasks are the moves that are most important to my character "Viper". I tried each task for a number of times and I would check my accuracy with that move. The moves I have most trouble with I would practice them more and repeat them daily for an undecided amount of times.

As we can see from the table, I've created my tasks which are around 16 moves. I gave each a bar for difficulty to pull out out of 5 and the importance of the move for me. Then an "out of" bar which shows how many times I have to do it to check my performance. Then as we can see under the 2nd of June which was yesterday there is the total which shows how many times I have successfully managed to pull out the move out of the limit number. I have 2 different percentages. The first one shows the normal percentage for all tasks, while the 2nd one applies the difficulty into it. because if I perform an easy move with 50% and a very hard move with 10% the normal average should be around 30% but the real average should be somewhere around 15~20% So as seen sadly my viper is around 50% only on success rate. (Advanced technique though).
now in the second table down is the daily repetition table. I haven't really decide what the formula for it should be. I simply used (1-%)*3*Importance*Difficulty+10
the less % I have the more repetitions I will do. 3 is a fixed number that I found reliably convenient, and finally the more difficult and important the move is the more I think I should repeat it. The final +10 is a fixed value in order if I perfected a move, I should still practice it so I wont get rusty :P
I might change the formula depending on how things go. So, now I test my performance everyday and depending on that I get a new table for the number of repetitions for the next day.
Some of the tasks have 1 and 2 in them, these are for the sides I'm on. 1 for being on the left side, 2 is for the right side.
Hmmm, I thought this post would've been a lil longer.. but oh well, I hope my method would help any of you guys if you think your performance is not up top notch. And if any has his/her own method please do share!
Well what am I doing here! time to go to training room!! :D
anyways, lately, I discovered that I suck :P, well, compared to the real top tier players up there.
While my play style is unique and I have created lots of set ups for my game play. There is still one issue. Missing up inputs!
In the pro world, e.g. the Japanese league. Do you see anyone missing up his combo or whatever move their doing? In these high level games everyone is supposed to have mastered their inputs! You'd never see a Zangief jump with a punch coming out because he meant to do his grab but missed up. You'd never see a Ryu doing a SRK instead of an Ultra after a SRK FADC. Well, you might see, but I do not believe it would go above 5% error.
If you have your style and technique mastered. Imagine now added to that never missing a single combo? As I said above, in the pro league, everyone is expected to have mastered their inputs. The difference on who's gonna win is who knows the match up better. knowing the match up includes fast reaction to moves as well. Also some mix-ups and mind games. But if you know your match up, these two wont be as bothersome.
Now what have I done? I admit I dont spend enough time in training room. In real matches I keep missing some important combos and I eat ultras because of that. My accuracy is around 50% which is absolutely unacceptable. While it is true that my accuracy is around 50% I try to stick to easy combos and go for the mix-ups that viper has. But If I have like maybe even 80% accuracy on her more advanced moves I'd be even more annoying to play against :P.
I started working on my performance yesterday by first creating a table of tasks. These tasks are the moves that are most important to my character "Viper". I tried each task for a number of times and I would check my accuracy with that move. The moves I have most trouble with I would practice them more and repeat them daily for an undecided amount of times.

As we can see from the table, I've created my tasks which are around 16 moves. I gave each a bar for difficulty to pull out out of 5 and the importance of the move for me. Then an "out of" bar which shows how many times I have to do it to check my performance. Then as we can see under the 2nd of June which was yesterday there is the total which shows how many times I have successfully managed to pull out the move out of the limit number. I have 2 different percentages. The first one shows the normal percentage for all tasks, while the 2nd one applies the difficulty into it. because if I perform an easy move with 50% and a very hard move with 10% the normal average should be around 30% but the real average should be somewhere around 15~20% So as seen sadly my viper is around 50% only on success rate. (Advanced technique though).
now in the second table down is the daily repetition table. I haven't really decide what the formula for it should be. I simply used (1-%)*3*Importance*Difficulty+10
the less % I have the more repetitions I will do. 3 is a fixed number that I found reliably convenient, and finally the more difficult and important the move is the more I think I should repeat it. The final +10 is a fixed value in order if I perfected a move, I should still practice it so I wont get rusty :P
I might change the formula depending on how things go. So, now I test my performance everyday and depending on that I get a new table for the number of repetitions for the next day.
Some of the tasks have 1 and 2 in them, these are for the sides I'm on. 1 for being on the left side, 2 is for the right side.
Hmmm, I thought this post would've been a lil longer.. but oh well, I hope my method would help any of you guys if you think your performance is not up top notch. And if any has his/her own method please do share!
Well what am I doing here! time to go to training room!! :D
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