This thursday Dubai gamerz tournament launched for both SFIV and some other game, football i think, whatever that game name is, I dont give a damn :P
It was group system for people who came before ~5pm, and elimination for people who came after 5 but before 6.
Each group had 8 people, and only 3 from each group qualifies, everyone fights everyone in the group, 1 set, 3 rounds. There was 6 groups, For me, I came in late, So i joined the elimination rounds, 1 set, 2 rounds. My first round was against a good chun-li, I won 2-0, my second one was with an average Boxer, I guess he had no experience whatsoever against C.Viper, as Balrog can destroy viper easily. So after my win I went to semi finals!
If i recall correctly those are the people who qualified from each group:
Group 1: Ryu, Sagat, Zangief
Group 2: Zangief, Chun Li, Akuma
Group 3: Dhalsim, Zangief, Chun Li
Group 4: Blanka, Zangief, Ryu
Group 5: Gen, El Fuerte, Chun-Li
Group 6: Guile, Ken, Rufus
*From Elimination* : C.Viper(me), Ryu
As you can see there were 4 Zangiefs.. (lol).. though only 1 Sagat, which was kind of nice..
I've seen many great rounds from these group fights. one of them was an El Fuerte player (Akashwan) from group 5 that won 7/7 matches, he destroyed everyone in his group which was great because fuerte is an almost forgotten player. Another player Ken (Tan_UAE) has showed a very fearsome Ken. Also a Chun Li (Dukefleeed) from group 5 was playing in a really interesting way, not to mention Guile player (Booom300) who destroyed a good boxer in his group and showed really good matches. Also a very scary Gen player (UAE4HAMAD) who showed no mercy for his opponents though he is too old and going to die at any second now (Gen..) lol.
Rufus (Mho-J) from group 6 was also performing a great job.
I haven't been able to see group 1-2-3 matches, so I'm not sure how those worked out.
2 guys came from Kuwait specially for this event. One was Ryu and the other was Chun Li. The Semi-Finals has finally started. I cant remember the order of the fights, but I'll write what I remember.
First the order has been decided by drawing the names, the last name was El-Fuerte who has been qualified by chance.
Gen has faced a Gief in his first semi-final round, as though this Gen was very good, he had a bad match-up against Zangief, so naturally he lost, but he had a great performance to speak though~
A friend of mine Chun Li (Dukefleeed) has faced the Kuwaiti Chun Li, First the Kuwaiti Chun was winning, but Duke has done a great comeback and won in the end, it was an interesting mirror match.
Guile (Booom300) "Who won last UAE tournament" had this minor injury in his thumb, so he did not perform that well, though he did qualify to semi-finals regarding the pain he had :P . He faced a Sagat (Ammar_) who was also one of the Organizers of the tournament. They both did a great job but Sagat won in the end. Hard luck to our friend Guile :)
Then comes my game, I, C.viper(SedoSan) Faced a Zangief(alain599)!!, My luck! :P, last tournament in the semi-finals I met a Zangief as well, (lol)... But this time I had much better concentration than last time. I did not screw up my combos this time at least. I lost my first round though I was leading, I won my second round, Lost my third then won my fourth, the last round we both had less than 5% hit points left. I know Zangief was going to jump on me. AND HE DID JUMP! A flash came across my mind that I won.. I used my Ultra!!!, Usually my ultra will punish jump-in attacks. The thing is, My ultra did not come out! *Bummer* and I got kicked in the face :P and So, I lost and was disqualified.
I cant recall what happened between the Blanka(SoulEliminator) and the Kuwaiti Ryu (Najeebi)sp? As there was a strong battle going on the other screen between Ken(TAN_UAE) and Zangief(RMT)sp?
The Ryu has won in that round against Blanka. But in the other battle, Ken was leading and DOMINATING in the first couple of rounds, he totally annihilated Gief, though I dont know what happened to him in the 3rd round. Looks like Gief has casted a Spell in his heart and GAVE HIM FEAR. Ken was almost paralyzed, he kept defending, RMT has totally changed the outcome of that fight and finally won 3-2. btw this ken has won 2nd place in last UAE tournament, but he was playing Akuma that time.
I dont recall Dhalsim's round, but he lost, The other Chun-Li has lost to the Kuwaiti Ryu If I recall correctly.
Rufus won an average Ryu in his first round. Then Rufus has met Zangief(Alain599) and won him, I dont recall who took out Akuma, but that akuma was an average player.
Then there was Fuerte's Match against Sagat who took out Guile. First round Sagat won, Second round Fuerte has done a great come back. Third round Fuerte has baited sagat to tiger shot and used his ultra! Everyone clapped once the Ultra animation went off, but what shocked everyone is that Fuerte did not land on Sagat, though he was close!! Then we realized something was wrong with the controller, but Fuerte couldnt do anything about it, and under frustration he lost his 3rd round as well.. But lesson learned from this is "Bring your own controller next time" :P
Sagat then Faced Rufus, and it ended with Rufus winning. This Sagat was an average+ Sagat though.
Kuwaiti Ryu has lost to RMT's Zangief. Al though this Ryu was a great one, it looked like he had no experience against Gief fights, he kept falling for his grab traps and his wake up cross ups.
Sagat has faced the Kuwaiti Ryu to decide who would be ranked 3rd, it ended with Sagat winning.
In the final battle, Rufus(Mho-J) has faced Zangief(RMT), this is the
youtube link. As you can see, Zangief has won the tournament, From the video you will notice TOO MUCH NOISE coming from cheering :P, Those guys were cheering insanely. Some of the "Sentences" that came out were:
Show him that the Kitchen is his place! (Fuerte vs Sagat)
Let the Russian teach this Beautiful girl that fighting is not what she should do (Viper vs Gief)
This Indian Guy came in without a VISA! (Dhalsim vs *I cant remember*)
And lots of their comments were like: "Come on, you dont have to fight, you will lose 3 rounds perfect, Just sign him Victory!!" Usually saying this to people against their friends in fights.
Some were funny, Some were just annoying and uncalled for.
Over all, the tournament was good, great players, had lots of fun, though i wish i won :P
There was a Draw in the end for the guests and viewers. 5 prizes, They drew the first name "Name 1 here", a little kid comes and pick up his PSP. The second name was "Name 1 here" again! they said wow, really lucky, but they didnt give him the 2nd prize, a third name was drawn and it was "Name 2 here", so another kid "Kid 1's friend" comes and take the prize, a PSP. The 4th name was "Name 2 here" AGAIN!!!, people started doubting. They checked the names in the box. almost 50+ of them were both of these kids name. THERE WAS MANIPULATION! These prizes were revoked from these kids and justice has been received! *MUWAHAHAHA*...
So what they did is they took the name tags from the participants and did the draw from it later. and everything worked normally then.
After the match lots of people stayed and played against each other. It was great. In the end, everyone left :P Duh..
So.. Tournament finished.. There is another tournament in 3 weeks in AbuDhabi. But SSFIV would've been out already by then.